Become a member

Important information for non-german speakers: Feel free to become a member of our society, it is, in principle, possible. Please notice we do not provide any documents which are written in any other language than German and we can not allow anything other than our original documents. If you are still interested, please contact us via E-Mail. A fully translated version of the original German “Become a member” page can be found down below.

Please send the completed form via fax, E-mail or mail to our office:

Deutsch – Japanische Gesellschaft Trier e.V. (German-Japanese society Trier)
Am Herrenbrünnchen 6a
54295 Trier

Tel.: 0651-99 33 297
Fax: 0651-99 33 476

Monthly contribution rate of the Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft Trier e.V.:

Adults: 2,50 €
Youths/Students 1,25 €
Juristic person: 5,00 €
Married couple: 4,00 €
